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Crochet Giraffe Pair Complete Just in the Nick of Time

crocheted giraffe 1

This sweet giraffe was part of an order for 2 for a Christmas gift.

It came right down to the last minute to finish the second one.

The body color changes were a challenge, but thankfully, I have a little experience with working on graphgans, so that helped. The pattern was difficult to keep my place for the increases and decreases.

The second giraffe has a darker head and a darker yellow base color. I had absolutely NO TIME to get a photo of both.

Delivered to the customer the evening of the 23rd of December.

Recipient loves her additions to her collection.

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Welcome to Dancing Pixie Crochet!

pink dragon

Welcome! I think I finally have the site and blog organized correctly. Please bare with me!


A little bit about my business and how it has evolved.

I learned to crochet at the age of 8. My mom and I were on a greyhound bus headed from CA to IL. We wiled away the time and miles working on projects.

My first project was completed on that long ride. It was a beanie made entirely of single crochet stitches. The finished hat was gifted to another young lady also on the bus.

Over the years, I crocheted off and on. As a hobby mostly.

In 2015, I decided to try to turn my hobby into a business. It was fun, challenging and a great learning curve. However, I was not diligent with this endeavor. I didn’t treat it seriously, I had no goals or dreams, or drive.

I think I have found the dream and drive! Still working on the diligence part.

My true passion is creating dolls. Everything from giraffes and dressable elephants for little ones, to elegant collectible dolls, to seasonal decoration dolls (whose clothing can be changed to suit the season or holiday!).